Constructing STAMP Theatre’s Company Logo…

As part of STAMP Theatre’s advertising and marketing team, one of my initial tasks was to produce a company logo. Our logo needs to correlate alongside our company mission statement and manifesto, and summarise who we are as a theatre company. As we are planning to contact local press about our performance on Friday 17th May, our logo will appear on many letters, emails and documents throughout our process, so we believe it is a vital step in establishing ourselves as an organisation.

We brainstormed ideas together surrounding what we thought our logo should include, some of these included..

  • A footprint – as if we are phsyically stamping on traditional genres of theatre.
  • A photo frame – a central element to our performance will be the use of photo frames hanging from the ceiling – we thought perhaps this could be a central element to all of our work if we were to carry on with future productions.
  • An ink stamp – this could maybe have had STAMP Theatre printed within it.
  • A letter stamp – we then had the idea of including the traditional theatre masks within the stamp instead of usual stamps, as if we are stamping our mark on traditional genres of theatre.


Logo idea 1.

Above is our first attempt at the company logo for STAMP Theatre, however, we did not decide to use this as we felt it did not give the impression of a theatre company, on the contrary we believed it looked more like a sports/adventure type of logo. The main concept behind this logo was the idea of us as a group literally stamping on traditional genres of theatre, therefore creating our own genre by combining Grotesque and Phsyical Theatre. We did not feel this summarised us as a company, so decided to go in a completely different direction.


Logo idea 2.

Above is our second and final logo concept, and we believe this is much more successful in summarising what we stand for as a company. We took the traditional image of the two theatre masks (one happy and one sad), combined them together and emphasised their emotions to signify our work in Grotesque Theatre. We also altered the edges of the image to make it look like a stamp you’d get on the front of an envelope. I believe this is a striking image that links in well with our company manifesto and mission statement, and makes a powerful impression on audiences before they have seen our performance work.

Caitlin Clark

One thought on “Constructing STAMP Theatre’s Company Logo…

  1. Klaudia

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