Performance Day Reflection

On reflection of the performance day, I would say we had a smooth running and organised day. The technical team (Larissa, Alex HS and I) along with the director were in the performance space for 9am ready to start. Luckily we had been in the theatre with some of the LPAC technicians the night before to hang the frames ready for performance day. This meant that we were already ahead in terms of our performance day schedule.

Here are some of the photos from throughout the night before and the day of the performance:

DSC05252 Centre stage


Here we are marking centre stage to get an idea of where the frames will hang ^

Preparing the bungee   Alex (the technician) and I are preparing the bungee chord and rope for the frames here.

Rigging the lights Discussing the lights Discussing the lights in relation the the frames (We rigged the above head spotlights at the same time as rigging the frames).


The Performance Day DSC05305 These are taken of the first walk through with the frames – taken on the night before the performance.


After rigging and focusing the lights, Larissa Oates, Alex Watson (who was cueing the show) and myself went up to the lighting box to start the cueing process. In total we had 92 LX cues in the script that needed to be programmed in chronological order, ready for a cue to cue, a full dress run through  and the actual performance.

After finishing programming the lights we broke for lunch ready to come back for a cue to cue. The cue to cue lighting did not go as well as planned as the blue wash didn’t programme on all the cues as intended. In saying this it was sorted out through liaison with the technical team ready for the full dress run through.

As a performer I felt the dress rehearsal went great, a few stumbles happened with lighting cues but apart from that all was well. The actual performance also went amazingly well, and we’ve had a great response from the audience both in person, and on our social media sites.

If I could do it all again to change anything, it would be the strength of some of the frames. One did snap mid performance, but I think I handled it well enough for the audience to notice but not know if it was on purpose or not. Little glitches to happen in performances that sometimes can’t be helped but overall I think we put on an entertaining show that matched what our manifesto said it would, and hopefully you’ll hear from STAMP Theatre again some time.

Thank you for reading,

Emma Huggins


2 thoughts on “Performance Day Reflection

  1. Cyril

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  2. Alexander Watson

    Your lighting work was invaluable – the technical team seemed really relieved that you knew your stuff. And you definitely hid the frame breaking well – I had a few audience members ask if it was meant to happen!


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