Reflection on Marketing and Advertising


Reflecting back on the decisions made within the Advertising and Marketing team, i am thoroughly pleased and privileged on what we managed to create and achieve with the time period we were given.

Our first initial ideas towards trailers, posters and programmes have different and altered over the process, but only improved to the better. On reflection, i feel they have all been designed to coincide with the themes related within ‘the trial’. At the same time as this, we focused largely on trying to keep them simplistic and also in a way mysterious , without giving to much away about the show.

The advertisement of the show was also helped and acknowledged through our social networking sites, as well as flyers distributed around Lincoln, to try and attract a wide variety of audiences to which we achieved.

To look at future improvements we discussed an idea of perhaps trying to advertise the show more vocally and physically by performing small snippets in town or local cafe’s, or even handing out flyers in our characters to try and appear more visually exciting and draw people in to find out more.




Rebecca Ward


One thought on “Reflection on Marketing and Advertising

  1. Alexander Watson

    It’s a thin line treading between mystery and exposition, but I love your idea to perform snippets in public places. I’m all for advertising our work and shocking the public at the same time…


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