Author Archives: Larissa Oates

Production Meeting With Darren

“The first task when approaching a play is to get a copy of the script as early as possible and read through it at least twice. Once you have absorbed the general ambiance and feel of the piece, go through it slowly section by section pull out all the props that are mentioned or even implied.” (Gail 2010, p.52)



This is a copy of our props list:


The Trial Prop List






Work Cited

Pallin Gail (2010)Stage Management: The Essential Handbook, Nick Hern Books

Stage Manager Interview

The following is an interview by Kerry Lynch with Nicole Blackman, a New Zealand Stage Manger for the production of The Importance of Being Earnest in March 2010.

“What are the key roles of being a Stage Manger (SM)?

My main role is to facilitate. The Stage Manager is the central person for the whole production. All departments from the actors, designers, administration and publicity go through the SM, so a key responsibility is communication. I have to anticipate the needs of the rehearsal room as well as keeping track of all the information that comes out of rehearsals and distributing it to the appropriate departments within the company. I am also responsible for ensuring the safety and well being of the cast.

What preparation and tasks did you need to complete prior to the start of rehearsals for Earnest?

  1. I did a ‘who/what/where’ list. I went through the script and created a spreadsheet with every page number and notated which character (with what costume and prop) is present on every single page. This is very useful to get the script into my head, and it is great in rehearsals when the director says go to page 60 because I know exactly what prop is required for each character.
  2. I drew up a rehearsal schedule and a spreadsheet with the contact names and details of the forty plus people involved in this production.
  3. I also made sure that all creative’s (designers) and performers had scripts.
  4. I had to mark up the rehearsal room from the set plans and obtain rehearsal props and setup the tea and coffee.”



This is a very interesting interview and I feel I can take a lot from it and apply it to my own role of Stage Manager for The Trial. What I found particularly interesting was Blackman’s emphasis on the importance of communication. From working with STAMP Theatre for a week I can already really appreciate why good communication between all company members is important. Without it confusion arises and can stop other people from being able to complete their own roles successfully. I was also very impressed with the organisation skills Blackman presented, especially before rehearsals began. Her idea of creating a spreadsheet with the contact details of all the company members is something I have done myself. This means if any cast member does not turn up for rehearsal without forewarning the director I have the necessary details to get in contact with them. Using spread sheets and tables is also helpful not only for the Stage Managers organisation but also for the company as a whole. As Blackman did I too drew up a rehearsal schedule and then I forwarded it to the company in advance to make everyone aware as soon as possible to when the rehearsals would be.

I have found this interview very thought provoking. It has underlined my opinion of the importance of communication and organisation within a company, which are skills I will continue to use throughout this production.


Thanks for reading,




Work Cited

Lynch, Kerry (2010) ‘Kerry Lynch ATC Blog. Stage Manger Interview’ New Zealand Journal of Research in Performing Arts & Education: Nga Mahi a Rehia; p.p 4-4

My Role Within STAMP Theatre: The Stage Manager

A theatre company is made up of several people who need to work together in order to display a successful performance. With this in mind the company met to assign a role for each member. For STAMP I have been elected Stage Manager, as well as an actor, though I shall be discussing the role of Stage Manager in this post.

After  the meeting I researched what my role entailed. In the book Stage Management and Theatrecraft Hendrik Baker states that the Stage Manager “can be described as the link between the creative idea and its translation to practical reality” (1988, p.1). From Baker’s statement I have concluded:


Stage Manager Role Diagram


The company wishes to focus attention on the actual script and how we perform it rather than emphasising the technical side, meaning our production will feature a significant amount of props. Through past experiences I have learnt the importance of requiring props as early during the rehearsal process as possible. As Bruce Miller states in his book The Scene Study Book: Road Map to Success props “can and will help you communicate the story of the scenes, as well as the story of your individual character” (2010, p.116). Communicating our story to the audience is incredibly important for this performance and using the props at an early stage will allow the actors to play with the different uses of them.

Organisation will also be significantly important in this role and as such I have drawn up a rehearsal schedule to ensure the company have advance knowledge of when they will well as allowing us to begin working on the production.

Here is a copy of STAMP’s rehearsal schedule:

The Trial Rehearsal Schedule Part 1


The Trial Rehearsal Schedule Part 2

Thanks for reading,




Work Cited

Baker, Hendrik (1988) Stage Management and Theatrecraft, Routledge.

Miller, Bruce (2010) The Scene Study Book: Roadmap to Success, Limelight Editions.